Monday, December 21, 2009


We all have a corner of the world that we can transform. Every day, as physicians, we have the opportunity to have a significant impact on the lives of our patients. This has been my focus for the last 26 years in medical practice. Four years ago when I told my husband that I wanted to run for Medical Staff President he asked me, “Why?” I told him beyond my usual work, I wanted to have the opportunity to do something new and creative that would inspire me. I wanted to serve in a role that could help make the hospital a better place for our physicians and their patients. I realized that this also included creating great relationships with nurses, staff and administration, where we all would be a collaborative team. With the partnership of our medical staff, nursing staff and proactive administration we have been able to do exactly that. Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital has not only won numerous awards but it has become an increasingly
physician-centric environment. This is my final letter for the Physician Forum and I will miss the opportunity to write about health care and the world today. What I leave you with is a celebration of all the wonderful things we do every day here at Good Samaritan Hospital. I encourage every member of the Medical Staff to step forward and get more involved with the hospital and your departments. Attend meetings and educational events. Volunteer for committees and projects. Run for office to give your valuable input into areas that improve the quality of our work environment and care we give to our patients. It is an opportunity to grow as a physician and leader. I have benefited and grown in numerous ways by participating.
In your clinical practices, concentrate on being present and attentive to your patients. You will find that whatever you do in life, it is more rewarding and inspiring when you are fully immersed in it.It has been a true honor and pleasure to serve you. The people I owe thanks to are too numerous to list but my gratitude to all of you is infinite. As I transition into the role of past president, I will continue to support our excellent journey.

I would like to take the liberty of sharing a quote that
Dave Fox shared with me from Jim Collins’ book,
“Good to Great:”
“When all these pieces come together, not only does your work move towards greatness, but so does your life. For, in the end, it is impossible to have a great life unless it is a meaningful one. And it is very difficult to have a meaningful life without meaningful work. Perhaps, then, you might gain that rare tranquility
that comes from knowing that you’ve had a hand in creating something of intrinsic excellence that makes a contribution. Indeed, you might even gain that deepest
of all satisfactions: knowing that your short time here on this earth has been well spent, and that it mattered.”
In Gratitude,
Barbara Loeb, M.D.

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